
For those who might enjoy seeing these, I am posting the quotes I have collected over the years on this page http://quotescollectedovertheyears.blogspot.com/

Camp Shout Out for stuttering

"Camp Shout Out which is non-profit,traditional overnight camp setting for youth around the world who stutter ages 8-16 where they will participate in speech therapy and camp activities. Camp Shout Out is also a clinical training opportunity for SLP's and selected
graduate students who will improve their skills working with youth who stutter.

The best part is that the clinical training and treatment portion of the camp is
being developed by and will be directed by: Kristin Chmela and June Campbell,
two VERY well known fluency specialists and trainers of clinicians. If you want
to know more we have a facebook page: Camp Shout Out for youth who stutter
and our webpage will be up very shortly: campshoutout.org
We are also working in collaboration with Western Michigan University and the
Stuttering Foundation."

I found this on a stuttering group site.