
For those who might enjoy seeing these, I am posting the quotes I have collected over the years on this page http://quotescollectedovertheyears.blogspot.com/

Stuttering article by Lon Emerick

Those who stutter should read "Express Yourself or Go by Freight" by Lon Emerick in Advice to Those who Stutter by The Stuttering Foundation. He gives some good advice such as:

"The pathway to better speech is fraught with blind alleys, dark frightening tunnels and arduous climbs. Beware of any treatment that plumes itself in novelty and promises no pain; deep inside you know this cannot work."

"The first thing you must do is admit to yourself that you need to change."

"There is no magic potion, no pink pill that will cure stuttering."

He takes you through steps to get "acquainted with your stuttering pattern," "set up a program for change," "how to stutter more easily and openly," "to stutter on purpose," to reduce avoidances," to "enter those tough speaking situations and demonstrate to yourself that you can, even though stuttering, get the message across," and to practice.

Find and read his article at http://www.stutteringhelp.org/Portals/English/book0009_may2010.pdf