
For those who might enjoy seeing these, I am posting the quotes I have collected over the years on this page http://quotescollectedovertheyears.blogspot.com/

Helping those who stutter.

People who don't stutter must have a hard time understanding how to help as most people get a confused look on their face and want to help the stutterer talk by supplying words or finishing the sentence.

If you don't look at the older posts, you missed this comment and I wanted to share it.

"I wish people who are fluent would be informed of how they can help us. It would be so much easier. I am grateful for the literature that the Foundation puts out as I have taken it to teachers and employers. It is a good way to help them understand stuttering; it helps open the doors to talking about my speech; it helps them accept me as I am; then, I don't stutter as much. Keep on telling people about the Stuttering Foundation of America, Bud! "

To see what this PWS is talking about, go to www.stutteringhelp.org and click on "brochures" to find the brochures for teachers, employers, and one for anyone "How to React When Speaking to Someone Who Stutters."

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